Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Shiny Happy People

So I’ve decided to start a blog to jot down my constant thoughts around fashion, in the hope this will curb my spending. You see like many girls in their 20′s this is a huge part of my life, which I am yet to ever imagine will disappear (until I have something I love as much to centre my world around)
I have been obsessed with Fashion since I was about 5 when I threw myself on the floor at Dunnes store in disgust at my mum wanting me to wear corduroy trousers (this was the 80’s after all, my god it could’ve actually been worse!), since then I’ve not looked back. I actually blame my mum partially for the complete obsession and excessive spending on clothes I’d rather eat beans for a month than go by without a new purchase I, like others (I hope) don’t even have to wear these immediately its merely the knowing I have them in my wardrobe (this is lucky really as I rarely have any money left for excessive nights out) Anyway back to my mum, she is incredibly controlled sensible spender, and although I had everything and anything a child could possible want when I was younger I wanted more always, I would always want the most expensive trainers, trousers, or whatever you name it but my mum would always give me a budget. I believe this budgeting has directly led to me, having no concept of sensible budgeting in later life, and that’s the excuse I am sticking to!
So in brief that’s me I’m fashion obsessed, I Live in Leeds which I love as many of you will know and I get no greater pleasure in life than purchasing beautiful things! wherever they may be from. I am going to use my blog to show whoever wants to look the fashion I love and the things I think are amazing, so that’s it read for pretty things and hopefully you will like!Thanks

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